RCMP Musical Ride
The RCMP musical ride dances with hooves.
This fascinating spectacle provides Canadians and visitors from coast-to-coast the ability to see, experience and enjoy a brilliant part of Canada’s heritage.
The RCMP musical rides tours throughout Canada, normally from May through October, and may perform at up to fifty venues during that period.
The Canadian home for the RCMP Musical ride is located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The First Musical Ride
“Although legend has it that the first Musical Ride was performed as early as 1876, the first officially recorded Musical Ride was performed in Regina under Inspector William George Matthews in1887. Over the years the popularity of the Musical Ride has grown – today it is one of the most popular Canadian symbols around the world,” this courtesy of the Musical Ride web site.
When the Musical Ride visits
I found this gem on the RCMP Musical Ride website, and thought you might find it interesting to know what you have to provide, aside from the stables, for the horses of the Musical Ride when they are guests at your venue…
“The following feed for 36 horses is to be provided: hay, oats and complete feed. Daily requirements are approximately:
- Hay: provide 1,250 pounds (568 kg, small square bales) of #1 – (good quality) 90% Timothy.
* provide 25 extra bales of #1 – (good quality) 90% Timothy for the Musical Ride horse trailers upon departure to feed the horses while traveling. - Oats: provide 150 pounds (57 kg) of #1 re-cleaned – whole.
- Complete feed: provide 350 pounds (170 kg) of Purina Horse Chow B.I.R. Line (or equivalent)
- Straw or Shavings: provide 36 to 72 bales per day (actual amount determined during pre-tour visit). Bedding amounts will depend on the type of bedding (straw or shavings) and the size of the stall.
* provide 30 extra bags of shavings or 20 bales of straw as bedding to take on the Musical Ride horse trailers upon departure.”
Getting to the Musical Ride N Division in Ottawa
The Rockcliffe Stables for the RCMP, which used to be known as N-Division, are located about 8 kilometers (5 miles) east of Ottawa’s Parliament Buildings.
Though the Musical Ride travels much of the year, visitors are welcome at the stables.
Meet the horses, tour the stables, visit the riding school, see the farrier (maybe even shoeing a horse!), stop into the tack room, see the official carriages used as members of the Musical Ride escort Her Majesty the Queen and other dignitaries used when they visit Ottawa on official business.
Copy and paste the following URL to see the up-to-date visiting hours at the Musical Ride stables in Ottawa:
- www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/mr-ce/centre-eng.htm
As well, my father worked for them as a civilian employee for many years at RCMP Headquarters in Ottawa. Other members of my family have been part of The Force, including one brother and another family member that rode with the Musical Ride.
Contact information
The RCMP Musical Ride
Montreal Road & Rockliffe Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Telephone: 613-998-8199 (general information only)
- http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/mr-ce/tour-eng.htm
To see recent photos of the Ride, the horses, the riding displays, copy and paste the following URL into your browser:
- www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/mr-ce/photos-eng.htm
2 thoughts on “RCMP Musical Ride”
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I will be in Ottawa with my grandson (age 10) 17 to 19 April. Will we be able to see the musical ride then?
It is doubtful, Karl. The RCMP Musical Ride is touring Northern Ontario and British Columbia in 2013, and no Ontario dates are, so far, published. Their “official” website seems to be a bit out of date.
My thoughts are that you should visit the RCMP ‘N’ Division to visit the stables and see what horses they have on hand then. You can visit:
September – April: Tuesday and Thursday
10:00 – 1:30 p.m.
The stables are at the north end of St. Laurent Boulevard where it meets Ottawa’s Eastern Parkway.
Cheers and enjoy your visit.