Golfing in Ottawa

We’re golfing in Ottawa and it’s early, very early.

The greens-keeper has just gone out ahead of you to whip the dew from the greens.

The night-cool has not left the golf course yet, and you are glad to have the light windbreaker on. You know you will have to shed the jacket soon though, as already the sun is becoming a factor to contend with as you gaze down the fairway on #1 hole.

You address the golf ball and your 3-wood feels comfortable in your hand. You lower your head and the club-head arcs effortlessly up over your shoulder and back down.

“Thwaaack”; oh yeah… one of the sweetest sounds known to golfers shatters the morning quiet as your club head makes perfect contact with the ball. Your follow through is a wonder to behold. You know, even before you look up, that this drive is a beaut.

You flip the club, do your trademark slash – slash – slash with the handle, and watch the beautiful little white orb bounce into the absolute center of the fairway, almost too far down too see.

It’s going to be a great golfing day in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Care to join me?

Many Ottawa Golf Courses

At last count, there are more than forty golf courses, driving ranges and putting greens in the greater Ottawa area.

Here is a list of Ottawa area Golf Courses.

Here is a list of Ottawa area Driving Ranges / Putting Greens.

Are you a golf club owner or manager around Ottawa, Ontario, Canada? If so, and your Ottawa golf course is not listed, please contact us with details and we will add your club to the list. Thanks.